Russian Expedition

RUSSIAN EXPEDITION 1916 Eyewitness account List of Testimonies

 General E.W. Maslowsky

General of Army over Caucasus stated there was a Russian Air Force Pilot who spotted ruins and sent Russian

Expedition In charge of Mr. Pastounow

 Mr. Pastounow

Russian Expedition Archaeologist

 Henry Miller

Russian Expedition Doctor Who Lived Between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea and Showed Photos of Noah’s Ark to His Children Eva Miller, Katherine Miller and His Second Wife (? Miller Whose First Name We Do Not Know)  

Karabaza Yegor Yerofeyevitch

Russian Expedition Soldier – Born in 1888, Cossack, Military Rank was Vakhmister, St. George Cross Winner,  

Grandfather of Boris Vailievich Rujansky

Russian Expedition Member and Sergeant of Military railroad battalion

John Schilleroff

Russian Expedition Member  

John Georgensen

Russian Expedition Member

 Russian Flyer Shyshla

Russian Expedition Flyer  

Joe Kulik

Russian Expedition Horseman & Waterboy  

Jacob Radtke

Sent in Russian Army on Railroad to Destroy Turkish Castle Next to Ararat and Claimed to See Noah’s  

Eva Miller Ebeling

Henry Miller’s Daughter Who Saw Russian Expedition Photographs  

Katherine Miller Quindt

Henry Miller’s Step-Daughter Who Saw Russian Expedition Photographs

Jacob Weist

Flew plane around Ararat, saw Noah’s Ark and took photos of Noah’s Ark which they viewed

John Weist

Flew plane around Ararat, saw Noah’s Ark and took photos of Noah’s Ark which they viewed

 Henry Weist

Heard at School That Russians Found Noah’s Ark and Flew Plane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah’s Ark Which They Viewed  

Elizabeth Weist

Heard at School That Russians Found Noah’s Ark and Family Flew Plane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah’s Ark Which They Viewed

Alwina Weist

Family Flew Plane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah’s Ark Which They Viewed

 Erna Weist

Heard at School That Russians Found Noah’s and Family Flew Plane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah’s Ark which They Viewed Reference :Book „Erna´s medley“ CANADA

 Armais Arutunoff

Russian Expedition Photographer Gave Arutunoff Photographs of Noah’s Ark

Dave GuMaer

Witnessed Russian Expedition Photographer Photographs of Noah’s Ark Given to Arutunoff

Ray Lubeck

Russian Expedition Film of Noah’s and Fifty Russian Soldiers

 Kurdish Chief Selim Aga

Russian Expedition Witness When Russians Returned to Bayazit from Ararat Claiming to Have Found Noah’s  

Lt. Peter Nicoaevich Lesin

261st Ahilchinsky regiment of Caucausian Army who heard from Adjutant that Noah’s was Discovered in Saddle of Ararat  

First Lt. Paul Vasilievich Rujansky

156th Elisavetpolsky regiment, Caucausian Army and brother of Boris Vailievich Rujansky who was on Russian Expedition  

General A.J. Elishin

Claimed to have Heard About Russian Expedition  

Colonel Alexander Adolph Koorenkov (Koor)

Claimed to know General A.J. Elshin, Lt. Peter Nicoaevich Lesin, and First Lt. Paul Vasilievich Rujansky  

Gabriella Shyshla

Russian Immigrant Who Told Basic Story of Russian Expedition to Floyd M. Gurley  

Batov Fedor Frolovich

Born : 1895 . Died : 1969 / Ust-Bear ( = today : Seraphimovich Volgograd region )

Member of Czar Expedition to mount Ararat from autumn 1916 – spring 1917.

15 regiment of Turkestan , 4 regiment of Turkestan / Married Maria Vassilievna in 1917 in Tiblisi .

Testimony by : Mrs. Loshadkina , grandchild of Batov Fedor Frolovich ( interview in summer 2011).

Reported : Huge avalanches , crevasses , rough weather conditions , hardship , great loss of climbers ( died ) .

Ark description : Huge box with openings for ventilation on the top. Very large vessel ( ship ) !

Owner of wood from ark : weight and structure like a stone. This artifact is lost by remove from the house.

Russian Expedition - 1916-1917 A.D.  

> There is an enormous amount of material to digest
> about the alleged Russian Expedition. In order to study this in an
> organized manner, we will first look at the statements of those who
> claimed to be directly involved in the alleged expedition in chronological
> order, then of those who claim to have second-hand knowledge of it.

> White Russian Colonel Alexander Adolf Koor stated in
> 1946 that the White Russian Caucasus Army Commander responsible for the
> region between 1914 and 1917 was General E.W. Maslowsky. If anyone
> should have first hand knowledge if there was actually a Russian aviator
> sighting and subsequent archaeological expedition, it should be Maslowsky.
> In an effort to verify Koor’s statement during the 1960’s, Alva Appel of
> the Archaeological Research Foundation tracked down General E.W.
> Maslowsky to a French retirement home. In a letter to an Appel research
> assistant,
former General Maslowsky stated the following. The actual
> two-page letter is also shown.
> I acknowledge receiving your letter of January 6th,
> 1969 and hasten to answer you. Although so many years have elapsed, I
> remember that the Russian Airforce, during reconnaissance flights
> around the years 1915-1916, had noticed above the rocky heights of
> Mt. Ararat unusual shapes which could have been considered as the
> remains of a very old construction.

> Around 1916, an archaeological expedition climbed
> Ararat under the direction of Mr. Pastounow and found debris of rocks
> which resembled the petrified remains of wood.
> I must admit that at my age (93) the state of my
> health has become rather
> precarious and my memory is quite weak. However, I
> remain at your disposition for any further help I may be able to
> give you.
> Mr. E.W. Maslowsky
> Many ark researchers have alleged that there was an
> actual Russian Expedition initiated by a Russian aviator who
> discovered Noah’s Ark flying around Mount Ararat in 1916 and was

    followed up by an archaeological expedition. Now through the letter of
> General E.W. Maslowsky, the chief-in-command of the area gives
> first hand knowledge that there actually was a reconnaissance flight
> which noticed an unusually shaped formation above the rocky heights
> of Mt. Ararat and that a Russian archaeological expedition was launched in
> 1916, led by Mr. Pastounow. General Maslowsky states nothing about
> Noah’s Ark or of the details in regard to the petrified wood remains.
> Perhaps this is not surprising since others claim that as soon as Czar
> Nicholas II found out about the Russian Airforce’s observations, he
> directed that all further information be directed straight to him rather than
> through the normal channels. Plus, Maslowsky did have W.W. I on his
> hands so he was probably preoccupied with more urgent matters.

> In 1999, B.J. Corbin received an email from British
> Columbian Joseph Way who claimed his grandfather (Joe Kulik) came from
> Russia and was the water boy on the Russian Expedition to Mount Ararat
> in 1915-1918 and saw “Noah’s Boat.” B.J. passed the information to Rex
> Geissler who worked with Joseph Way to get phone interviews with Joe
> Kulik and a videotape of Kulik’s statements. Joseph Way’s sister
> (granddaughter of Kulik) made a  videotape of Joe Kulik which is quoted below.


   The Russian water boy Kulik claimed that he and the Russian Army saw "Noah's
> Boat" on the border of Russia and Turkey around 1915-1918. The videotape
> dialogue, from a 1997 interview with his granddaughter, appears to be
> consistent with what Joe Kulik told Rex Geissler in a 1999 phone interview.
> In a phone interview to the care facility where he
> now lives in British Columbia, Joe Kulik stated that he was born on March
> 15, 1902 and was then ninety-seven years old. He said that at the
> beginning of World War I, his family fled Austria and moved to Russia in
> the Ukraine region. Kulik stated that as a fifteen-year-old in 1917, the
> Russian Army Patrol expedition hired him to feed the horses and the
> troops while the Russian troops searched for a boat on a mountain. The
> Russian expedition took him to the Russian border with Turkey where they

   went up a great mountain. Joe told Geissler that they left the horses behind
> at one point and went toward the top of the mountain where they saw a
> huge, long boat with a hole in the side of it. Kulik stated that the boat
> had moss growing on the top of it. Joe said that nobody took a picture
> because no one had film at that time. He said that it was like a huge
> building or three times the size of a small house in width.

> Kulik stated that he still had gold coins with the
> Czar on them. When the Bolshevik revolution started in Russia the following
> year, his family hid on their farm in the Ukraine. In 1921, his family
> fled the Communists in Russia to Poland where he was forced into the Polish
> Army between 1924 and 1929. In 1929, he migrated to Canada and
> Manitoba, then went to British Columbia in 1939 where he retired in 1967.
> Kulik speaks Austrian, Russian, Polish and English. He has a thick English
> accent, his English is broken and he had difficulty understanding some
> of the questions during Geissler’s phone interview.
> Joe's wife is still alive though they are both in
> poor health and she is in a Nursing Home/Hospital. Joe has terminal Lung
> Cancer with so much pain (allergic to morphine so can only take Tylenol)
> that he now has difficulty concentrating on anything, let alone a
> conversation. His grandson, Joseph Way, does not want to upset his
> grandfather at this point in his life and has asked that researchers not
> pursue further interviews, etc.

> Kulik’s granddaughter has videotape from a 1997 of
> him briefly discussing this part of his life. Geissler encouraged the
> grandson to get the video from the granddaughter, make a copy, and send it to
> Geissler which he did.

> Joe's granddaughter believes that from past
> discussions, Joe may have been seventeen years old when he saw the boat on the
> mountain and that he may have been born in 1900 rather than 1902, which
> might currently make him one hundred years old in year 2000 rather than
> ninety-eight. It is fascinating to find a living person who
> actually claims to have been a part of the much-maligned Russian expedition.
> It is also fascinating that Kulik claimed that the ark had moss
> growing on it just like George Hagopian claimed just ten to thirteen
> years earlier in the century. Note also the Kulik mentioned the hole in
> the side of the boat which reminds one of the Arutunoff Russian
> photograph sketch as well as the other Russian accounts. Following is the Joe
> Kulik videotape testimony.
> Yes, I see Noah's boat, was like a building, he
> built it, just about round from rock. That boat stayed on the border of
> Russia and Turkey.
> Border checks was a half-kilometer from Turkey and
> Russia borders. At that time [1915-1918] I was 18 years old. Russian
> Army came and asked me to come because they wanted my horses, Russian Army
> go out, they take my horses, put them with a wagon and food. I go too. I
> thought it would be two, three days to go back to Russian home but went
> about 100 miles.

> My country changes six times. I was born in Austria.
> Austria start war with Russia, Russia pushed Austria way back, then
> Russian Czar died and Germany push Russia back. Russia coming and back,
> coming and back [gesturing like tug of war between countries and
> borders]. Was with Russian army and horses three years. We were on
> Turkey border meet with Russia. But people killed Russian Czar, and army
> went home. Bolshevik took over, Lenin and Trotsky. Lenin like
> Czar, Trotsky with the people. Every border had to have army checks every 5
> miles.

> [About boat] Five, six men go along one side, they come back, another men
> go. I not go inside that building, just see it, no snow because summer
> time, hot, soft winter, no winter. Moss all over boat, covered [with
> moss] like a rock on mountain, like a park, could grow trees on it.
> Russian and Turkey border peaceful so people going
> from Turkey to Russia, coming from Russia to Turkey. When Czar died, army
> left everything, went home, I go home.
> It is interesting to note that Russian horseman Joe
> Kulik and George Hagopian (Alleged Sightings around 1902-1908) agree
> on a number of points. Hagopian also described the Russia/Turkey
> border as having a separation where one would go through the Turkey
> border gate, then walk a little ways, and then go through the Russia border
> gate. Hagopian also agreed with Kulik in saying that Noah's boat is on a
> mountain on the border of Russia and Turkey.
Hagopian also stated
> that Noah's Ark had moss growing on it just like Kulik. Again, Hagopian
> talked about there being soft or no winters before the sighting.
> Kulik's year of birth was right near 1990 so was near 100 in year 2000. You
> can see more detail on the attached email.
> Al Jenny was doing research in Moscow on the Russian
> Expedition in 1992-1993 and received the following information
> from a reader in 1994.
> I’ve just read article “Noah’s Ark found by Russians” from your magazine
> N1, 1994 and I want to tell you that my grandfather Karabaza Yegor
> Yerofeyevitch (born in 1888, Cossack, military rank - Vakhmister, St.
> George Cross winner) was on Coucasus in 1914-1917 during World War I and
> personally participated in Russian expedition to Ararat in search of Noah’s Ark.
> What do I know abou this from his stories? I know that he and other
> soldiers climbed on Ararat Mt. And they saw Noah’s Ark; that the wood
> which the Ark was made of was dark due to age; that there was a crack
> flowing from under the Ark and the water in crack was like “life”
> water--it improved the activity. He also told about airplane, which was
> flying around and that it was carrier to climb the Mt. than to come back.
> I have his picture. Maybe, grandmother Vanga will look at it and see
> what’s happened during the expedition. I hope that my letter will be intresting for you.
> My name is Zalesskii Nikolai Valentinovich. Beside me, my paralyzed
> mother I’m looking after, also knows about my grandfather’s stories.
> Sincerely Yours,
> Zalesskii N.V.
> 352782 Krasnodarcki kzai,
> Maikopskii zayon,
> St. Kurdzhipskaya,
> Jhkolnaya, 2
> Except for the myth or misunderstanding about “life” water, this might be
> a valid account which sounds similar to others of the alleged Russian
> Expedition eyewitnesses. In following up on the research of Alvin
> Holderbecker and alleged photograph eyewitness Eva Miller Ebeling,

   Ebeling’s daughter Annie VanEaton told Rex Geissler that there was another
> Russian family who claimed to have seen Noah’s Ark and to have had
> photos of Noah’s Ark. Geissler found Ruby Paull, the daughter of Erna
> Weist, who both live in British Columbia. Erna Weist grew up 150-200 miles

    north of Mount Ararat in a German community named Morgentau, Russia

   between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Erna claims that her school and

   two entire Russian families heard that the Russians had discovered Noah’s Ark

   in 1916. Excited by the news, Weist states that a couple men in her two families
> went in a friend’s plane to Ararat and took photographs of Noah’s Ark
> and then the entire mountain to find possible climbing paths up to the
> boat, which was sticking out of a glacier. Erna dictated her
> fascinating life story to her daughter Ruby Paull who published it in a book
> titled Erna’s Medley. In the year 2000 when Geissler  The following section
> is quoted from Erna Weist’s book about her life story.
> The summer of 1916 was extremely hot, which adding
> to the difficulties of trying to keep the farms going without enough
> workers. Erna [Weist was her German last name before Canada forced it to be
> changed to Wiest] was now eight and in grade three at school.
> Just before school let out for the summer she came home tremendously excited…
> “Thery’re saying at school that Noah’s Ark has been seen on Mount
> Ararat.” “Don’t be silly Erna. It hasn’t been seen for years.
> Why would it all of a sudden appear now?” Elizabeth knew the ark was up there.

    They were taught all about it at school and considered themselves very special to be
> liing as close as they were to that wonderful mountain of the Bible.
> “But it’s true, Lisa, it’s true. They say because it is so hot the snow
> and ice have melted enough to be able to see it. Can we go see the ark
> Lisa? Can we?” “Even if it’s true, Erna, there’s no way we could go
> see it. It would be too dangerous, and who would take care of things
> here? We can’t climb that mountain!” “But we woudn’t have to, we could just see

   it from a distance.”  “Just forget it Erna.” Erna walked away with downcast eyes.

   She so desperately wanted to see the ark. Maybe if she prayed real hard, God

   would allow her to see it. The next day Henry came by to help on the farm. He
> verified Erna’s information. Yes, everyone was talking about it.

> Erna jumped up and down with joy. Elizabeth found her heart beating fast.
> What if they should be able to see it? A few days, as if in answer to Erna’s prayers,

   an extra ordinary weather phenomenon occurred that made the mountains appear
> closer than they really were. Early that morning Erna stepped outside
> and was struck with awe. There appeared on Mount Ararat a tiny black dot
> about three quarter of the way up. Se knew it was Noah’s Ark. Erna, in
> later years, recalled the dot as being near the center, on a high peak.
> Since they lived north of Mount Ararat, this would put the ark on the north
> side of the mountain.


 Research verified that the ark was seen by Russians in the army during this time.

  [Ruby Paull told Geissler this “research” was from a book but that it was not

  one of Violet Cummings books.] Erna thanked God for answering her prayers, then

   ran to Elizabeth. “Lisa, Lisa, come quickly! The ark! You can see the
> ark!” “Erna, your (sic) being silly again,” replied
> Elizabeth. “Can’t you see how busy I am?” “No, no! Really Lisa, it’s true, please

   come look!”

> Elizabeth decided to humor her. But then she too saw the inspiring sight.
> She could hardly believe her eyes! Grabbing the children they ran all the
> way to the home farm to inform the rest of the family. They had a
> telescope through which the ark could be viewed with greater clarity. The
> dark dot became more like a brown square.” In reverent solemnity the family

   gathered together in the house for prayers. The oldest son, Jacob, and his family and
> had also been called in. John was the first to speak. [Erna Weist’s
> mother died giving birth to Erna. Her father died in town when he was robbed
> after selling their prize cattle.] “You know, I think we should go up there.” He

    looked at the women. “Think you gals could hold out here for a week while we
> take a closer look?” The women looked wearily at each other. They were
> already short handed and summer work was falling behind, but could such
> an opportunity be passed by? Alwina said, “Sure, we’ll manage. You go ahead.”
> Erna was jumping around the table like a jack rabbit. “Erna, save our energy for work.

   Your  (sic) going to get lots of it.” “You know,” said Jacob, “what we need is to hire a
> plane and zoom down for some close-up pictures.” John agreed. “Excellent idea, but

   where do we get a plane now? There’s a war on you know.” Henry had friends who had

   a plane. They would be interested in such a venture. So it was that a plane, plus two

   more men, was obtained.


 With all the military action taking place, the plane was not
> noticed, or so they thought, as it flew around the mountain taking
> pictures of the area that the men thought accessible for climbing, plus
> close-up pictures of the ark, sticking out an ice glacier.
> With the pictures developed, the family again gathered together with the
> families of the two men. The pictures were passed around and viewed with
> fascination. The men decided to climb the mountain and examine
> the ark. They bought the necessary equipment for the climb and within a
> few days everything was organized for the expedition. Their one regret
> was that Otto, Bill, and Emil could not be with them. [They were fighting
> in W.W. I.] How they would have loved this undertaking.

> Then disaster struck. A group of Bolsheviks on horseback approached the
> house. The Bosheviks were against the war and refused to take part in it.
> More and more people flocked to their side as the war caused greater and
> greater hardships to everyone. John and Henry walked out to meet them.
> “Can we help you?” John asked. “Yeah,” the leader of the group answered. “You

    can hand over that climbing equipment you purchased.” “Why, is there something

    wrong with it?” “No, nothing wrong with it, just with the purpose you were going

    to use it for.” “What do you mean? We’re using it for mountain climbing. That’s

    what it’s made for.” “Sure, for climbing that Mount Ararat with, well
> that’s restricted territory. You can’t go there.” “Since when?”
> “Since we said so.” At his words the rest of the men circled John and
> Henry. A chill ran down John’s spine, but he wasn’t going to give up all their
> expensive equipment without a fight. Henry said nothing. Memories of the
> war struck fear in him.  “What authority do you have to say so?”

> “The authority of this.” The men aimed their guns at John and Henry. They
> had no choice but to turn over their equipment. Still the Bolsheviks were
> not satisfied. “We want the photos too, plus negatives,” demanded
> the leader. “What photos?” “Don’t act ignorant man. The ones you took of the
> mountain. All of them!” With sinking hearts they gave up the pictures and
> negatives. Then the Bolsheviks helped themselves to a few chickens and
> left. The family felt devastated. Erna couldn’t stop crying. “We need to report them

   Lisa, okay Lisa? We need to make them give us back our things.”
> Elizabeth agreed, but in her heart she knew they couldn’t. They were
> fighting against Germany. Who would listen to the complaints of Germans
> in this country? No one. She was sure of that! In fact, they would
> probably get in worse trouble by putting in a complaint.

> This event marked the beginning of all their troubles. They came under
> constant surveillance. Years later Erna insisted that she knows the ark is
> still exactly were she saw it, in spite of what anyone else might
> believe or say, and that when God wants the world to see it, it will be there
> for all to see, preserved and intact…


 On November 7, 1917, Bolsheviks, led by Lenin,
> seized the government. Erna was nine. Civil war would last until 1920.
> Russia became a communist state. The beginning of the revolution ended
> Russia’s participation in World War I. Germany forced Russia to sign a
> humiliating treaty which gave much territory to the central powers. About
> this time the United States entered the war. Cadets, trained by Bill,
> were sent to fight. Suddenly, Emil arrived home. Everyone was overjoyed.
> When Emil heard what had happened concerning Mount Ararat, he was not
> overjoyed. From then on he nurtured an increasing hatred toward communism
> that he would nurture throughout his life…

> The village classroom was quiet. Then a horrible scream filled the room.
> All work stopped. Erna and the other students looked out the window and
> saw a man running toward the school. Behind him galloped several
> Bolshevik soldiers. They were laughing and shouting, guns drawn, arms
> waving… A shot rang out. A bullet crashed through a window
> sending glass flying in every direction. Some students screamed. Others ducked

   under the desks and benches… Shaking, some of them crying, they did as told [by
> the teacher]. Erna put her arm around a sobbing girl. “Don’t cry. It will
> be okay.” Together they crouched under one desk, hanging onto each
> other. Then the door burst open and the man ran in. His
> eyes were wild and his face deathly pale. He gasped for breath. Behind him
> came two soldiers yelling obscenities and pointing their guns at the
> man. Cornered, the man’s eyes swept the room. He hadn’t realized until
> then that he had entered a school. Seeing the sobbing children he
> quickly put his hands in the air, faced his pursuers, and surrendered.

> The teacher resolutely straightened her shoulders and said, “You can
> leave him here. We’ll take care of him.” The man flashed her a grateful look.

   The soldiers laughed. “We’ll leave him here all right, madam. We’ll leave
> him as a number one lesson to your class to never cross us! We rule!”
> So saying they grabbed the man and shoved him to the
> front of the room, ignoring the teacher’s pleas.
> “To your seats, all of you!” shouted the leader to
> the teacher and children.  The terrified students obeyed and sat on their
> benches, heads hanging, shoulders sagging, trying to be as inconspicuous as
> possible. “Sit up straight!” shouted the leader. The children obeyed. Some

   of them stuffed their hands in their mouths to keep from crying.
> The man was standing at the front of the room, arms
> in the air. Two soldiers raised their rifles. “Please, please, not in front of the children,”
> begged the man. I’ll do anything you say, take me any place else, but not in
> front of the children.” The soldiers paid no head. “This village,” said the leader, needs

   to be taught a lesson. They need to learn to listen and obey, to conform to
> regulations. What better place to start than with the young ones?”


 He turned to face the class. “This is a lesson for you. You do what you’re told.
> You keep your mouths shut, and your actions directed to the law, or you
> see what happens to you.” The teacher wondered, “What law?” But she said
> nothing. “Fire!” shouted the leader. Two guns cracked simultaneously. Blood

   splattered the wall, the floor, the teacher’s desk. The man slumped to the floor.
> His face struck the desk as he fell. Children, no longer able to contain
> themselves began to scream. Erna’s friend, fainted. Erna couldn’t move.
> She sat staring at the sight in horror. The sight became forever etched
> in her mind. The teacher and several students became sick.
> Gagging and heaving, they tried desperately not to throw up. The teacher knew
> she had to control herself for the sake of her class. Ignoring the
> screams and barking orders, the head soldier marched out, followed by
> the others. Two of them wrapped a classroom rug around the man took him with
> them.


  With a quivering voice she tried to calm the class. As soon
> as the horsemen left she took them out of the room and placed them in a
> group, on the ground, outside. When they regained control of themselves,
> they were sent home, the stronger ones helping the weaker. The teacher
> was left to face the bloody classroom, and wonder if she might have done
> something to prevent this tragedy. Elizabeth was surprised to see Erna home from

   school so early. “Home already?” Then she noticed that Erna’s [face] was
> sickly pale. “What’s wrong. Are you sick?” Erna threw herself into Elizabeth’s arms

   and cried with great gasping sobs. “Oh Lisa! Oh Lisa!” “What is it? What’s wrong Erna?”
> “They shot a man. They shot him, Lisa. He’s dead.” “Who shot who, Erna? What are you

    talking about?” “The soldiers, in the school, shot a man.” Elizabeth listened to the horrible

    story. She could not believe that anyone could be so cruel as to deliberately subject
> a group of children to such a criminal act. Her heart cried within Erna as she held her
> tight. How she wished Otto were there to help her now. To feel his
> protecting arms around her. She wondered what terrible things he was
> going through as a prisoner of war in Germany.


   Emil could no longer endure the acts of the Bolsheviks. He decided to fight them from

   the inside. To that end he worked undercover in a office where he pretended to be a

   Communist. There he sabotaged whatever Communist intentions he could by altering

   orders and other paper work that would advance their cause. With his education,
> and political skills, he found this easy to do, though dangerous. His efforts saved

   many lives.
> Erna Weist’s story biography reminds one of the
> Russian expedition reports and photographs being stolen by the
> Bolsheviks. As Koor states later, the Bolsheviks had good reason to hide or
> destroy anything that would raise the national or spiritual morale of the
> Russian people. The only concern is when other information floats into a
> story like this. The statement that research showed the Russian
> Expedition was around this time indicates that Erna Weist or Ruby Paull was
> influenced by at least one ark research book which could have tainted the
> story slightly. However, Ruby Paull maintains that the details of
> the entire story came straight from mother’s mouth. Erna Weist resides in
> a Nursing Care Facility in British Columbia. Eva Miller Ebeling’s family including

    nephew Alvin Holderbecker and her sons and daughters stated that Ebeling saw
> photographs of Noah’s Ark shown her by her father Henry Miller who was the
> doctor on the Russian Expedition. Holderbecker stated the following to
> Eryl Cummings and Ebeling’s children talked later to Rex Geissler
> after Holderbecker had died.
> My Aunt Eva [Eva Miller Ebeling [1897-1977] was a Russian woman whose
> husband was Uncle John. She was still scared to the day she began talking
> about this that the Soviets would come after her. [Eva escaped from
> Russia with her half-sister Katherine Miller Quindt (1895-1970, whose two
> daughters married Reynolds and lived in Wisconsin)] Eva worked in the
> Czar's palace as a housemaid during World War I when she was about
> nineteen or twenty years old. [This Holderbecker statement does not match
> Ebeling’s children’s statements made to Geissler.] Her father was a
> medical officer in the White Russian Army and a highly respected friend
> of the Czar and his family. He was the chief medical officer on the
> expedition that found Noah’s Ark. [Eva’s daughter Annie VanEaton stated
> in a July 3, 2000 letter to Rex Geissler that, “Eva could see Mount
> Ararat from where she lived…Eva’s father and a 100 men group went on a
> second expedition to find Noah’s Ark.
They did reach the point where they
> could see the Ark plainly and photos were taken. After the death of her
> father from Typhoid Fever, the photos were given to the step-mother and
> later were taken by the Bolsheviks.”] When he came back from the
> expedition, he showed my Aunt Eva the photographs and reports. [In a May
> 23, 1993 letter to Bill Crouse, Alvin stated that his Aunt Eva knew the
> constuction, size and other observations from the reports.]

> Then, the Bolsheviks took over and confiscated all of the photographs and
> reports and killed as many of the men from the expedition as they could
> find.
My aunt Eva was the only one from her family who escaped.
> [Holderbecker must not have known about Ebeling’s
> half-sister Katherine Quindt.] The Czar sent her to Germany as Kaiser
> Wilhelm and the Czar were cousins. [Eva and Katherine slept in graveyards
> during the day and walked during the night. They rode in a cattle car on the
> famed Dr. Zhivago refugee train. Eva lost her half-sister Katherine
> after the Zhivago refugee train.] My Aunt, having seen the pictures many times,

    told me the ark was three decks high, and on top of the roof there was a
> catwalk that was about knee-high with openings underneath to provide
> ventilation or light. The Communist take over took place at this same
> time, and according to her, all their photos, measurements, etc. were
> confiscated, and all those who had been on the expedition “that the Communists
> could get their hand on” were killed, and those who escaped, were afraid
> for their lives to talk about it, including my Aunt, she being the only
> one of her family that escaped alive.
  It was only by accident that we learned

  of her connection with the Ark, when she was caught by surprise, and blerted it out,
> at the late date of November 1974. She died in 1977.

> Another item that Aunt Eva mentioned, her father said that the raised
> part that looks like a walk way above the roof of the Ark extending the
> length of it, was about knee high, which the bible said was to be 1
> cubit.
> The wealthy Armenian from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Armais Arutunoff,
> stated to Dave GuMaer in 1970 that in his youth he lived in Erivan (now
> Yerevan, Armenia) at the time the men from the Czar’s expedition returned
> from their investigation of the ark. Arutunoff  vividly recalled hearing
> the men’s excited story in the streets of Erivan, of how they had climbed
> the mountain twenty-five miles away, had entered the great ship, and verified the

   aviator’s report. The sketch of a photo given to Arutunoff in Don Shockey’s book

   The Painful Mountain showed three Russians standing in an open doorway of the

   ark. Following is what Arutunoff said to GuMaer in Shockey’s book:
> Shortly before the overthrow of the government, the Czar had commissioned
> some one hundred White Russian soldiers to undertake an investigative
> trip to Mount Ararat in search of the fabled Ark of Noah that was
> described in Genesis. This group of soldiers made their trek up the
> Russian side of Mount Ararat and after much difficulty reached a point on
> the mountain where the Ark was said to be buried under ice and snow. This
> was exactly what they found: a petrified barge extending from beneath an
> ice peak. The Ark of Noah was real and was located on Mount Ararat.
> Mr. Arutunoff said that some years later he met a Russian soldier, one of
> the survivors of this expedition, who informed him in great detail of
> what they had seen, the measurements of the boat, the photographs which
> had been taken, along with many other facts and details concerning the
> expedition. This soldier described the surveyors, photographers, artists
> and scientists who were on the mountain specifically to find the Ark and
> to prove that it existed on Mount Ararat.


   From what Dave GuMaer could remember from Arutunoff’s description,

   the dimensions of the Ark were some 450 feet long, by fifty feet high, by

   some 100 to 150 feet wide. It was in the shape of a barge.

   The Ark had a narrow catwalk running along the top

   length of the barge. The soldiers had walked inside the structure
> and had observed animal stalls of all different sizes made of wood. All
> the wood was petrified. They also found edible wheat and honey. The
> soldiers chipped away pieces of the petrified wood for later analysis to
> determine what type of trees were used in its construction.

> It was at this point when Mr. Arutunoff reached into a drawer in his desk
> and very casually removed two photographs which he laid in front of Dave
> GuMaer. Here were the photographs of Noah’s Ark taken by the Russian
> photographer on Mount Ararat. Dave remembers them as being grainy and
> enlarged but clearly showing the barge Arutunoff had just described. The
> pictures were of a large, barge-type craft protruding from the ice. The
> barge was on a shelf overhanging a frozen lake below. About three-fourths
> of the structure was still encased in an ice pack. The Ark was tilted at
> an angle. In the doorway of the Ark stood three Russian soldiers linked
> arm in arm. The doorway appeared to be about twenty-five feet high and
> some twenty-five or thirty feet wide
. Off to one side of the Ark was some
> type of wooden altar. 


    Arutunoff then continued his story of the
> expedition. These Russian soldiers were on direct orders from the Czar to
> measure, photograph and survey everything they found. After this was
> completed, their samples taken and their sketches carefully catalogued, the
> soldiers proceeded to leave the sit on Mount Ararat and return with all
> this important data and immediately report to the Czar. By the time they
> returned, the Russian revolution was in full operation. The Russian army
> was running rampant throughout the country. All but two of the soldiers
> involved in the Ark expedition were captured and arrested by the
> Bolsheviks and then executed…Of the two that escaped, one was the
> surveyor and the other
soldier was the photographer.  The surveyor
> apparently stayed somewhere in Europe while the photographer made his way to the
> United States. He would be safer here in America.


   It was some years later that Mr. Arutunoff made the acquaintance of this

   Russian photographer and was given copies of the Ark pictures. These were the

   very same photographs Dave GuMaer was shown. Where are the photographs

   now? After the death of Mr. Artunoff, most of his personal papers have been

   stored by family members. His immediate family have no recollection of their father

   ever showing them the two photographs. Why? Was Mr. Arutunoff worried about
> some possible future problems these photographs might cause his family?
> Why would Mr. Arutunoff show Dave GuMaer, a total stranger, these
> important photographs? The reader can draw his own conclusions
> and suppositions.

> In July of 1976, Gunner A. Smars, Jr., a young Swedish explorer and
> medical student, met and befriended a young Turk in Aralik. The Turk
> introduced him to his grandfather who told Smars “about the Russian
> expedition that came by Aralik in 1918 on its way up Aghri Dagh
.” The old
> Turk undoubtedly had the year wrong as the Bolshevik Revolution took
> place in 1917, but the Russians did hold Ararat until about April 1918.
> General Maslovsky verified that the Russian expedition under the command
> of Mr. Pastounow took place in 1916. The young Turk also introduced Smars
> to two old men who told him they participated in a large military
> training maneuver in 1939 to the summit of Ararat and that they had found
> a piece of timber as they climbed the mountain.


  Bill Crouse in the Ararat Report stated the following about the story by Yavuz

  Konca,  guide of several explorers including Bob Stuplich, Dr. Charles Willis,

  and John McIntosh. That the story may have been based on a Real Russian

  discovery was given a boost when I first visited Ararat in 1984. Our guide,

  Yavuz Konca, reported that an elderly Kurdish tribal chief living north of Lake Van,
> remembered just such a Russian discovery in the summer of 1917. [The
> chief was recommended to Yavuz only because the local Muslims had
> observed him in regular prayer at the mosque and Dr. Willis notes that he
> did not want his name known which seems to preclude geriatric vanity.
> However, Willis says his was is Selim Aga (Aga meaning Chief).] At the
> time, he was a young man of 18 years of age and was employed in old
> Bayazit by the Russians who were building a railroad around the western
> pass of Ararat. He recalled an unusual event that summer in which
> returning Russian soldiers came into the village throwing their hats in
> the air and shooting their rifles. When he inquired as to the
> celebration, he was informed that they had discovered Noah’s Ark on Mt.
> Ararat. I have my doubts that this elderly Kurdish man ever read any ark
> books much less Gurley's tale. Gunnar Smars tells of hearing a similar
> story from Kurdish natives living in the village of Aralik on the Soviet
> Armenia border…
> James Frazier knew two men who Benjamin Franklin
> Allen stated were involved in the Russian Expedition. His
> father-in-law was John Schilleroff (German) and friend was John Georgensen
> (Dane). He and Allen said they talked separately about the same
> expedition. James Frazier said that Schilleroff must have been part of the 100-man
> expedition who had “attacked” the mountain from another side. The
> relatives of Georgensen and Schilleroff attested that they were “sober and
> reliable men.” Georgensen made the following statement.
> In a letter written April 4, 1940, Jim Frazier wrote:
> Yes, my Father-in-law, John Schilleroff, told me at different times about
> the Ark of Noah. While in the Russian Army, they were ordered to pack for
> a long tramp up into the Mountains of Ararat. A Russian aviator had
> sighted what looked to him like a huge wooden structure in a small lake.
> About two thirds of the way up, probably a little farther, they stopped
> on a high cliff, and in a small valley below them was a dense swamp in
> which the object could be seen. It appeared like a huge ship or barge
> with one end under water, and only one corner could be clearly seen from
> where these men stood. Mr. John Georgensen, a dane, formerly my neighbor
> here, now also deceased, told me the same story. He also served in
> the Russian Army in the Ararat Region. They had never met, though their
> accounts fully agree. They belonged to different expeditions and went at
> different times. They were both sober and reliable men and, therefore, I
> believe their story.
> Colonel Alexander A. Koor stated the following in a letter from Seattle,
> Washington, probably in response to questions about the origin of the
> Rosseya article.
> TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:                 March 1, 1946
> This is to certify that I, Alexander A. Koor, former Colonel and chief in
> command of the 19th Petropaulovsky regiment, heard the following
> concerning the discovery of Noah’s Ark:
> (1)        First Lt. Paul Vasilievich Rujansky of the 156th Elisavetpolsky
> regiment, Caucausian Army. I knew all of Rujansky’s family for years. I
> met them in the city of Kazan, Russia, where I attended the Government
> Military Academy. 1st Lt. Rujansky was wounded in Evzerum, when his
> regiment took “Chaban ded” central fort, of the Evzerum fortifications.
> He was relieved from active service and sent to work in the Commandant’s
> Office in the City of Irkutsk, Siberia. After the Bolsheviks made an
> uprising he moved to the city of Harbin, Manchuria, where I found him in 1921.
> (2)        Lt. Peter Nicoaevich Lesin of 261st Ahilchinsky regiment, also of
> Caucausian Army. During Bolsheviks uprising he was arrested but escaped
> from them and in December, 1918 he joined my 19th Petropaulovsky regiment.
> (3)        About July or August 1921, I and Lt. Lesin met 1st.
Lt. Rujansky in
> Harbin. 
During one of our conversations 1st. Lt. Rujansky told me about
> the Discovery of Noah’s Ark. He, (1st. Lt. Rujansky), didn’t know about
> the details because he was wounded and was sent to Russia, but he knew
> because his brother Boris Vailievich Rujansky, Sergeant of Military
> railroad battalion was a member of the investigating party which was sent
> to Mt. Ararat to corroborate the discovery of Noah’s Ark.
> (4)        Lt. Lesin admitted he also had heard about the discovery of Noah’s
> Ark, not as rumour, but as news from the Senior Adjutant of his division,
> who had told him that Noah’s Ark was found in the hollow of the saddle of
> the two peaks of Mt. Ararat.
> This is all that I heard from these two officers, and I am sure both told
> me the truth.
>                 -- Colonel Alexander A. Koor
> In a letter to Eryl Cummings dated Jan. 21st, 1963, Alexander A. Koor
> stated the following information about himself and General Alexander Jacob Elshin.
> My full name is: Alexander A. Koorenkov; this was shortened to Alexander
> A. Koor at the time I received my American Citizenship at the District
> Court at Seattle, Washington. In 1915, the year I discovered the Sumerian
> inscription describing the great Biblical flood on the Karadah Mt. (close
> to Mt. Ararat), I held the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the Imperial Czarist Army.
> The photograph which I sent you shows me in the rank of 1st Lieutenant,
> and was taken in 1915.  General A.J. Elshin did not change or shorten his
> family name. In 1915, he held the rank of General, and commanded the 42nd
> Infantry Division of Imperial Army. The spelling of Gen. A.J. Elshin’s family name is
> the same in English as it is in Russian.
> BIOGRAPHIES (by Col. Alexander A. Koor)
> #1-General (4-star) Alexander Jacob Elshin

   Born August 13, 1865, in the city of Volojino, Russia. Died September 25,
> 1951, in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. He is buried in the mausoleum of the
> Memorial Monument, the Church of St. Nicholas, Washelly Cemetery,
> Seattle, Washington. He had three sons: George and Jacob both residing in
> Seattle, Washington; and Alexander, who was killed by the Bolsheviks in
> Education received: he graduated from the Naval Engineering Academy in
> 1886. And in 1894 he graduated from the General Staff Academy.
> During the Russo-Japanese War he commanded a regiment and during First
> World War he commanded the Brigade of the 40th Division, and commanded
> the 42nd Division, and later XX Army Corps. As commander of the 42nd
> Infantry Division, he received the Gold Sword of Saint George for bravery
> and victory over the Germans; he was poisoned by gas on the German front
> in First World War. As a great humanitarian and scholar, General A.J.
> Elshin received an Honorary membership in the American International
> Academy, Washington, D.C. Also, he was an honorary member of the Andras
> Research University as scholar in 1937, in Andras India.
> #2-Colonel Alexander A. Koor (now Major General,
> retired) (doctor honoris causn and citizen of U.S.A., and has
> been living in the United States since 1923)

> Born May 13, 1890, in the city of Kazan, Russia. He is married and has
> one daughter, Lulu. Education: in a junior college in the city of Perm,
> Russia, and at the University as a historian and etymologist of ancient
> languages; specializing in ancient history of Russia and the
> Far East. Graduated also from the Government Military Academy in the
> city of Kazan. Participated in the First Wold War on the German,
> Austro-Hugarian, Bulgarian, and Turkish fronts. He was wounded three
> times and poisoned by gas. He also participated in the war against the
> Communist-Bolsheviks. A scholar, author, and researcher, to him belongs
> the discovery of the Sumerian inscription KARADAH found near Greater
> Ararat. This is an ancient inscription concerning the Great Flood of
> the Bible. The description of the is inscription may be found in
> the magazine, “The Bible Archaeological Digest,” vol. 1, #4,
> Oct-Nov-Dec, 1946, pps 46-49.
> Other relatives and friends of the alleged Russian discoverers included
> Mrs. Gladys Evans who claimed that the Russian expedition was based in
> reality. Although David Fasold accused Evans of possibly being from a
> biased Creationist background, Evans said that her father entertained
> three former Russian flyers that were part of the search team. They had
> come from the eastern part of the United States in the mid 1930’s to the
> early 1940’s, stopping in various churches along the way to relate their
> story of the discovery of Noah’s Ark near the close of World War I. The
> three men claimed they had been part of the expedition that reached the
> ark and had actually been inside the ship and examined it. Pictures had
> been taken, but “the Russian government had confiscated all the film and
> destroyed it.” They left her father a typed brochure/document (a copy of
> which was destroyed in cleaning) that stated the men's names,
> birthplaces, ages, and ranks in the Russian Air Force, name of the
> airfield where they were stationed, their commanding officer, and name of
> their plane. Mrs. Evans continued below.
> They told how the ark was "half in and half out of a lake like a log
> floating in water. It was an immense thing, and it had cages-some with
> metal on them. It had a catwalk on top and the door was off. The door was
> nearby and had apparently been struck by lightning because it was partly
> burnt. The ark was just as good as the day it was built." The wood
> reminded them of oleander. It was painted inside and out with some kind of
> lacquer. When they first saw the ark from the air, they thought it was a
> submarine, but couldn't figure out why someone would be building it on a
> mountain. On the later reconnaissance expedition, these three airmen
> actually got inside the ark where they took pictures and measurements. The film
> was turned over to the Russian government.
> After the flyers were in San Bernardino, Evans said they next stop was
> Fresno. Eryl and Violet Cummings, who always believed the basics of the
> Russian Expedition account all the way back to 1940, wrote the following
> questions.
> Did their cool reception and the indifference, even in the Christian
> world, finally cool their ardor for what to them seemed to be a thankless
> mission? It will be recalled that four men of the Russian Air Fleet had
> escaped to America to begin a new life where they would have freedom to
> server God as they believed. Were these three men part of that group; was
> the ailing man in the northwest actually Vladimir Roskovitsky who,
> because of failing health, was not any longer able to travel with his
> former fellow fliers in the Czar’s air fleet? At any rate, their stories
> uncannily agree.
> In 1942, U.S. Navy Machinist Mate 1st Class Ray Lubeck became an alleged
> eyewitness to a silent film of 50 Russian soldiers marching past Noah’s
> Ark near the top of Mount Ararat. Lubeck was a Machinist Mate in the U.S.
> Navy on Midway Island in 1942. Later, Lubeck was trained to be a Deep Sea
> Diver for the Navy and dug submarine torpedoes from the mud underneath
> harbors and bays. To keep up the morale of the Navy, Marines, and Air
> Force stationed on the island, movies would occasionally be shown. One
> film clip of between thirty seconds and a couple minutes showed fifty
> Russian soldiers marching single file down a ridge and past Noah’s Ark.
> Since the film was silent, black and white, and older quality, there was
> an American commentator describing the scene in English. He stated that
> the Russians were going on a campaign to fight the Turks although Lubeck
> did not notice any guns since he was stunned to see Noah’s Ark in one piece.

> During the 1980s, Lubeck attended a seminar on the search for Noah’s Ark
> in his former hometown of Desert Hot Springs, California taught by Elfred
> Lee. Ray drew the attached map on the spot and gave it to Lee after the
> seminar. After the seminar, Lee moved to Mexico and lost track of Lubeck
> but Rex Geissler tracked him down in West Virginia in 1999. After doing a
> phone interview, Geissler then organized an interview between researchers
> and Lubeck in southern California. Elfred Lee, Doris Bowers, Cliff Moody,
> Doug Wolfe, and Rex Geissler interviewed Ray Lubeck. Lubeck stated that
> he could not believe he was looking at Noah’s Ark and that the image was
> burned into his mind to the point that every boat he saw since then he
> compared to Noah’s Ark. Lubeck also said that as a machinist, he was used
> to constantly looking at blueprints which helped him memorize the
> dimensions of drawings better than most people. Lee then moved to Mexico
> and the map was forgotten until Lee and Geissler were pilfering through
> Lee's Noah’s Ark paraphernalia. There were thirty or more people who
> witnessed the film. Lubeck only knew one of them and he already died.
> Lubeck stated that the location the film stated and showed was near the
> top of Mount Ararat on the border of Turkey and Russia. He said it
> appeared to be within a few hundred feet or a thousand feet of the summit
> of the mountain. This and the map he drew may indicate the saddle area
> which is where other Russian accounts stated the ark was located by the
> Russians and there was a group of fifty Russian soldiers on one side of
> the mountain and one hundred on another side of the mountain.
> Lubeck stated that the dimensions of the ark appeared to be about
> seventy-five feet wide by fifty feet high by several hundred feet long
> and that it was completely intact with no damage at that time. He stated
> that they looked like World War I uniforms judging by the olive, drab
> uniforms the Russian soldiers were wearing and the poor quality and
> silent quality of the film.


    He said there was a superstructure that ran
> all the way from the front to back and was about six to eight feet high
> with a roof on top that was pointed at about a twenty-degree angle.
> Lubeck stated there was a keel perhaps eighteen to twenty-four inches
> wide that appeared to run under the ship all of its length and up to a
> point on the bow. The bow was rounded and pointed like a boat not like a
> barge. There was also a solid wood railing around the edge of Noah’s Ark
> that extended up about three feet which blocked his view. Note that
> William Todd mentioned a similar railing, "The upper part had additions
> that looked like a railing or a roof that was in extreme disrepair."
> There is also a lip but not a high railing on the Hagopian/Lee ark
> sketch. Lubeck said that there was a hill on one side and a drop-off on
> another side. He stated that the ark was on a precipice and about
> seventy-five feet from the drop off in a little valley.
> Note that Lubeck stated that the film showed no snow although there was a
> run off area apparently from snow or rain similar to the Ed Davis/Elfred
> Lee sketch. Also note that on the backside of the saddle, there is no
> snow in an area almost up to the Eastern Summit at 16,800 feet. The
> theory goes that with low snowfall and warm weather, the area of no snow
> perhaps extended over the northern side of the saddle down the mountain
> some distance.  Note Lubeck's impression of North in the upper right
> corner of the map. Lubeck went to Washington to begin looking for the
> Russian film in July 1999.
> In 1970, Walter Lang spoke to 2,000 people in Calgary, Canada about the
> search for Noah’s Ark. After the talk, the son of a farmer named Jacob
> Radtke came forward to tell Lang that his dad claimed to have seen Noah’s
> Ark. Lang made arrangements to visit Jacob Radtke, who lived ninety miles
> south of Edmonton in Evltaskiwin (sp), Alberta. The Russsian Army sent

   eighteen-year-old German Russian soldier Jacob Radtke to help conquer Turkey

   in 1916. He stated that he saw Noah’s Ark twice. Radtke

   claimed to see it when they we going by train to bomb the castle on

   the South side of the mountain when they
> returned back. He said it looked to him like a big red barn. Mr. Radtke
> claimed that the soldiers went through the pass on a make-shif type
> of train.  Both times, this man said, they saw Noah's ark
> clearly as a big boat. At this point and where I am now names do nto come to
> me but if names are seriously necessary I might be ale to come u p with
> them after considerable searching. Possibly it might be helpful
> enought just to know that I had this experience. This information came to
> me in 1970, about 30 years ago. Walter Lang. Walter Lang wrote the
> following statement about the Jacob Radtke vist on May 15, 1970. Mr.and
> Mrs.Jacob Radtke taken in Wetaskawin, Alberta on May 15, 1970.
> Jacob Radtke claimed to have seen Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat when he 18
> years old in 1916 with the Russian Army was stationed there. Radtke said
> it looked like a big, red barn or boat sitting on the side of the
> mountain with snow or ice around it.  Radtke said that the make-shift
> train there were on went through the pass between big and little Ararat.
> This section approaches an extremely controversial area, the lives of
> Anastasia and Alexia Romanov, where people have strong convictions on
> both sides of the fence. Eryl & Violet Cummings and Elfred Lee met with a
> man who claimed to be Alexia Romanov, the Czaravitch. Dr. William Maples
> who conducted the autopsies of the Czar’s bones in Russia noted that
> there were eleven present at the assassination and only nine bodies found
> so two bodies were missing and that they look like Anastasia and Alexia.
> Even so, it seems evident that the bones of the two youngest children,
> Anastasia and Alexei, are not among the remains. At the time of the shootings

   the czar was 50, the czarina 46. Olga was 22 years, 6 months old; Tatiana had

   just turne 21; Maria’s 19th birthday had just come five weeks before,

   and Anastasia was 17 years, 1 month old. Alexei was just two weeks short

  of his 14th birthday. None of the skeletons could possibly have belonged
> to a 14-year-old boy. The three young female skeletons are fully formed,
> and none seem to be that of a 17-year-old girl.
> Violet M. Cummings’ stated the following in her last published work (a
> short booklet in 1986) titled Full Circle: From the Twin Peaks of Karada
> to Noah’s Ark.
> However, instead of the reported executions, it is now known that a
> bizarre and exciting rescue had taken pace, and very recently the
> sometimes questioned Czar’s expedition has been verified by his son, the
> then Tsarovich Alexis. When contacted on the phone by Elfred Lee, who had
> learned of his present whereabouts in the Southeastern United
> States.Alexis Romanoff as he is now known readily recalled the excitement
> in the royal household when word reached the palace of the aerial
> discovery. At the time, Alexis was a lad 11 or 12 years of age. He was
> now 81, ailing and very frail, but when contacted by the author and her
> husband late in the fall of 1985, ther were warmly invited to vistit them
> at any time. So Thanksgiving Day found at any time. So Thanksgiving Day
> found them in a non-palatial, but charming desert home, in Scottsdale,
> Arizona; meeting a very ill, but lucid Prince Alexis Romanoff and his
> delightful American wife.


   The former heir apparent was sitting in a
> reclining chair in his den, clad in slippers and robe, and with oxygen to
> help him breathe. He was unable to converse at length, but his warm
> spontaneous chuckle, and brief sentences, spoken with considerable
> difficulty, were satisfactory and clear. On his walls were an oil
> painting of his great grandmother, Queen Victoria, and many photos of his
> prized Arabian horses, once his pride and joy. Alexis Romanoff died on
> the 3rd of May, 1986. We understand that his personal book of meoirs is
> to be published after his death. What a wealth of history it may reveal!
> Around 1939, one of the most controversial sagas in the history of the
> Russian Expedition began. An issue of the New Eden magazine reported that
> Russian pilot "Vladimir Roskovitsky" saw the ark while flying a plane
> around Ararat in 1916 A.D. The Czar sent a detachment of men who found
> and photographed the ark in 1917. The story spread like wildfire and was
> reprinted numerous times in Christian publications. The author of the article,

   Floyd Millard Gurley, told Bill Crouse 47 years later in a 1986 letter that the

   story was fictitious.


   However, other researchers claimed that while Gurley
> embellished the article’s details with literary license, it appeared to be
> based on actual reports that a Russian aviator had seen a boat-like
> structure on Ararat that same year. For instance, Gurley's neighbor, a retired
> lawyer and Army officer named Captain Benjamin Franklin Allen who was a
> neighbor of Gurley’s in Glendale, California, claimed that he had heard from
> other sources about the story of an alleged Russian discovery. Allen’s
> sources included a relative and a friend who told this same basic story
> about two men who served in the Czar’s Army during World War I. Allen
> said these two men had participated in expeditions to Mt. Ararat where
> the Ark had been sighted by an aviator “in a remote, obscure canyon
> of the peak.” Allen chastised Gurley for creating a “highly
> fictionalized enlargement” based on the few “basic facts” that Allen gave Gurley a
> couple years earlier. Eryl Cummings also alleged that Gurley admitted to
> him in 1976 that Gurley received the basic story from a Russian
> immigrant widow living in one of his apartments. Also, Cummings claimed a
> British subject preserved in hand-copied form an account (plagiarized almost
> word-for-word to Gurley's account) from a religious publication
> called The King’s Herald dated 1920. For the sake of completeness, we will
> quote the entire hotly debated Russian Expedition article reproduced from
> an original copy of Floyd Millard Gurley’s New Eden Magazine.
> By-line: The following story by Mr. Roskovitsky, a converted Russian,
> speaks for itself. He is now engaged in selling Bibles, etc. and is an
> American citizen, having severed all ties with Godless Bolshevism from
> which he so narrowly escaped with his life after discovering the Ark. He
> gives this discovery credit for opening is eyes to the truth of the Bible
> and we pass it along trusting that you too will find it of interest and value.
> It was in the days just before the Russian revolution that this story
> really began. A group of us Russian aviators were stationed at a
> temporary outpost about twenty-five miles northwest of Mount Ararat. The
> day was dry and terribly hot as August days so often are in this
> semi-desert land. Even the lizards were flattened out under the shady
> side of rocks and twigs, their mouths open and tongues lashing out as if
> each panting breath would be their last. Only occasionally would a tiny
> wisp of air rattle the parched vegetation and stir up a choking cloudlet
> of dust.

> Farther up on the side of the mountain we could see a thunder shower,
> while still farther up we could see the white snow cap of Mount Ararat,
> which has snow all the year around because of its great height. How we
> longed for some of the snow! Then the miracle happened. The captain walked in and
> announced that plane number seven had its new supercharger installed and
> was ready for high altitude tests, and ordered my buddy and I to make
> the test. At last we could escape the heat! Needless to say, we lost no time getting on our
> parachutes, strapping on our oxygen cans and doing all the other half dozen
> little things that have to be done before “going up.” Then a climb into the cockpits,

   safety belts fastened, a mechanic gives the prop a flip and yells “contact,” and in less
> time than it takes to tell it we were up in the air. No use wasting time
> warming up the engine when the sun already had it nearly red hot.
> We circled the field several times until we hit the fourteen-thousand-foot mark

   and then stopped climbing for a few minutes to get used to the altitude.
> I looked over to the right at that beautiful snow-capped peak, now just a
> little above us, and for some reason that I can’t explain, turned and
> headed the plane straight toward it.  My buddy looked around and looked at

    me with question marks in his eyes, but there was too much noise for him to ask
> questions.  After all, twenty-five miles doesn’t mean much at a hundred miles an hour.

> As I looked down at the great stone battlements surrounding the lower par
> t of the mountain I remembered having heard that it had never been
> climbed since the year seven hundred before Christ, when some pilgrims
> were supposed to have gone up there to scrape tar off an old ship wreck
> to make good luck emblems to wear around their necks to prevent their
> crops being destroyed by excessive rainfall. The legend said that they
> left in haste after a bolt of lightning struck near them and had never
> returned. Sill ancients. Who ever heard of looking for a ship wreck on a
> mountain top?

> A couple of circles around the snow-capped dome and then a long, swift
> glide down the south side and then we suddenly came upon a perfect little
> gem of a lake, blue as an emerald, but still frozen over on the shady
> side. We circled around and returned for another look at it.
> Suddenly my companion whirled around and yelled something and excitedly
> pointed down at the overflow end of the lake. I looked and nearly
> fainted!

> A submarine! No, it wasn’t, for it had stubby masts, but the top was
> round over with only a flag catwalk about five feet across down the
> length of it. What a strange craft, built as though the designer had
> expected the waves to roll over the top most of the time and had
> engineered it to wallow in the sea like a log, with those stubby masts
> carrying only enough sail to keep it facing the waves. (Years later in
> the Great Lakes I saw the famous “whaleback” ore carriers with the same
> kind of rounded deck.

> We flew down as close as safety permitted and took several circles around
> it. We were surprised when we got close to it at the immense size of the
> thing, for it was as long as a city block and would compare very
> favorably in size to the modern battleships of today. It was grounded on
> the shore of the lake with about one-fourth of the rear still running out
> into the water, and its extreme rear was three-fourths under water. It
> had been partly dismantled on one side near the front, and on the other
> side there was a great door nearly twenty feet square, but with the door
> gone. This seemed quite out of proportion, as even today ships seldom
> have doors even half that large.

> After seeing all we could from the air, we broke all speed records back
> down to the airport. When we related our find, the laughter was loud and
> long. Some accused us of getting drunk on too much oxygen, and there were
> many other remarks too numerous to relate.
> The captain, however, was serious. He asked several questions and ended
> by saying, “Take me up there, I want a look at it.” We mad the trip without incident and

   returned to the airport.  “What do you make of it?” I asked as we climbed out
> of the plane.  “Astounding,” he replied. “Do you know what ship
> that is?” “Of course not, sir.” “Ever hear of Noah’s Ark?”
> “Yes, sir. But I don’t know what the legend of Noah’s Ark has to do with
> us finding this strange thing fourteen thousand feet up on a mountain
> top.”

> “This strange craft,” explained the captain, “is Noah’s Ark. It has been
> sitting up there for nearly five thousand years. Being frozen up for nine
> or ten months of the year it couldn’t rot, and has been in cold storage,
> as it were, all this time. You have made the most amazing discover of the
> age.”

> When the captain sent his report to the Russian government it aroused
> considerable interest, and the Czar sent two special companies of
> soldiers to climb the mountain. One group of fifty men attacked one side
> and the other group of one hundred men attacked the mountain from the
> other side.
> Two weeks of hard work were required to chop out a trail along the cliffs
> of the lower part of the mountain, and it was nearly a month before the
> Ark was reached.

> Complete measurements were taken and plans drawn of it as well as many
> photographs, all of which were sent to the Czar of Russia.
> The Ark was found to contain hundreds of small rooms and some rooms very
> large with high ceilings. The large rooms usually had a fence of great
> timbers across them, some of which were two feet thick, as though
> designated to hold beasts ten times as large as elephants. Other rooms
> were lined with tiers of cages somewhat like one sees today at a poultry
> how, only instead of chicken wire they had rows of tiny wrought iron bars
> across the fronts.

> Everything was heavily painted with a wax-like paint resembling shellac,
> and the workmanship of the craft showed all the signs of a high type of
> civilization. The wood used throughout was oleander, which belongs
> to the cypress family, and never rots, which, of course, coupled
> with the facts of it being painted and it being frozen most of the time,
> accounted for its perfect preservation. The expedition found on the peak of the

   mountain above the ship, the burned remains of the timbers that were missing out
> of the one side of the ship. It seems that these timbers had been
> hauled up to the top of the peak and used to build a tiny one-room shrine,
> inside of which was a rough stone hearth like the altars the Hebrews used
> for sacrifices, and it had either caught fire from the altar or been
> struck by lightning as the timbers were considerably burned and charred
> over and the roof was completely burned off.

> A few days after this expedition sent its report to the Czar, the
> government was overthrown and Godless Bolshevism took over, so that the
> records were never made public and probably were destroyed in the zeal of
> the Bolsheviks to discredit all religion and belief in the truth of the Bible.

> We White Russians of the air fleet escaped through Armenia, and four of
> us came to America, where we could be free to live according to the “Good
> Old Book,” which we had seen for ourselves to be absolutely true, even to
> as fantastic a thing as a world flood.
> Soon after the New Eden article, Captain Allen (Gurley’s neighbor,
> retired Army officer and creation geologist) stated that the publication
> was a “most exaggerated account” with Gurley’s imagination running wild
> on only the “basic facts” Allen had given Gurley. According to Allen,
> these “basic facts” that Allen had given Gurley years earlier included:
> the few details originating from two soldiers in the Czarist Russian Army
> during the First World War, deceased many years ago. The story of these
> soldiers came to me from their relatives of how a Russian aviator had
> sighted a suspicious looking structure in one of Ararat’s obscure
> canyons. Infantrymen were sent on foot to investigate and their officers
> and they decided it must be Noah’s Ark, with one end sunk in a small swamp.
> Gurley apologized to Allen in a “To Whom It May Concern” letter dated
  August 1, 1940.
> All of the basic material used in that article came from the researches
> of Mr. Benjamin Franklin Allen, and the article was written up in story
> form with the intent of making it more interesting to read.
> Apologies are hereby offered to Mr. Allen for having used some of his
> material which he feels was not sufficiently corroborated and which he
> states he does not wish to release for publication at this date.
> Six years after Gurley’s article had literally gone around the world,
> having been reprinted in numerous publications without the realization
> that it might be exaggerated or completely false, a similar but much more
> indepth article appeared in the complete Russian Expedition by Colonel
> Alexander Adolf Koor in two October 1945 editions of the White Russian
> publication Rosseya or Rossia. The Rosseya story parallels the
> Roskovitsky account. Gurley had never heard of this account since it was
> published in Russian in the White Russian publication, Rosseya. Cummings
> learned of the story from a Mrs. Larabee-Platt, a former missionary at
> the Presbyterian College in Persia. Cummings paid $40.00 to have the
> 4,000-word article translated into English. It contained the details of
> one of the Czar’s two-phased ground expeditions to which Roskovitsky,
> Schilleroff, and Georgensen had alluded. The author was White Russian
> Army Colonel Alexander A. Koor who was stationed in the Ararat region in
> November of 1915 during World War I.


>Name   Role&Claim

> Generai E. W. Maslowsky   Generai ofCaucasusArmy

> Stated There Was a Russian Airforce Pilot Who Spotted Ruins and Sent

> Russian Expedition In Charge ofMr. Pastounow

> Mr. Pastounow Russian Expedition Archaeologist Henry Miller

Russian Expedition Doctor Who Lived Between thè Black Sea

> and Caspian Sea and Showed Photos of Noah's Ark to His Children Èva

> Miller, Katherine Miller and His Second Wife (? Miller Whose First Name

> We Do Not Know)    Karabaza Yegor Yerofeyevitch    Russian Expedition

> Soldier - Bom in 1888, Cossack, Military Rank was Vakhmister, St. George

> Cross Winner, Grandfather of

> Boris Vailievich Rujansky    Russian Expedition Member

> and Sergeant of Military raiiroad battalion

> John Schilleroff    Russian Expedition Member

> John Georgensen    Russian Expedition Member

> Joe Kulik    Russian Expedition Horseman & Waterboy

> Jacob Radtke    Sent in Russian Army on Raiiroad to

> Destroy Turkish Castle Next to Ararat and Claimed to See Noah's Ark

> Èva Miller Ebeling    Henry Miller's Daughter Who Saw

> Russian Expedition Photographs

> Katherine Miller Quindt    Henry Miller's Step-Daughter

> Who Saw Russian Expedition Photographs

> Jacob Weist    Fiew Piane Around Ararat, Saw Noah's Ark

> and Took Photos of Noah's Ark Which They Viewed

> John Weist    Fiew Piane Around Ararat, Saw Noah's Ark

> and Took Photos of Noah's Ark Which They Viewed

> Henry Weist    Heard at School That Russians Found

> Noah's Ark and Fiew Piane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah's Ark Which

> They Viewed    Elizabeth Weist    Heard at School That Russians Found

Noah's Ark and Family Fiew Piane Around Ararat and Took Photos of > Noah's Ark Which They Viewed                                    . ^

~> Aiwina Weist    Family Fiew Piane Around Ararat and               - 1 ^ ^

> Took Photos of Noah's Ark Which They Viewed

> Ema Weist    Heard at School That Russians Found

> Noah's Ark and Family Fiew Piane Around Ararat and Took Photos of Noah's Ark

> Which They Viewed

> Alexia Romanov   SonofCzarNicholasIIWhoClaimed

> He Escaped & Saw Photos of Noah's Ark

> Anastasia Romanov (Anna Anderson?)    Daughter of Czar

> Nicholas II Who Claimed She Escaped & Saw Photos of Noah's Ark

> Armais Arutunoff   Russian Expedition Photographer

> Cave Arutunoff Photographs of Noah's Ark

> Dave GuMaer    Witnessed Russian Expedition

> Photographer Photographs of Noah's Ark Given to Arutunoff

>RayLubeck    Russian Expedition Film of Noah's Ark and

> Fifty Russian Soldiers                      .

> Kurdish Chief Selim Aga    Russian Expedition Witness

> When Russians Retumed to Bayazit from Ararat Claiming to Have Found Noah's

>Ark    Lt. Peter Nicoaevich Lesin    261stAhilchinsky

> regiment of Caucausian Army who heard from Adjutant that Noah's Ark was

> Discovered in Saddleof Ararat

> First Lt. Paul Vasilievich Rujansky    156th

> Elisavetpoisky regiment, Caucausian Army and brother ofBoris Vailievich

> Rujansky who was on Russian Expedition

> Generai A.J. Eishin    Claimed to have Heard About

> Russian Expedition   Colonel Alexander Adolph Koorenkov (Koor)    Claimed to

> know Generai A.J. Eishin, Lt. Peter Nicoaevich Lesin, and First Lt.

> Paul Vasilievich Rujansky

> Gabriella Shyshia    Russian Immigrant Who Told Basic

> Story of Russian Expedition to Floyd M. Gurley

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